I am a Norwegian who loves anything tarot, Runes, Crystals, Pendelums, Oracle cards. What you will find here can be tarot reviews, spreads and chit chats and so on :)
torsdag 26. mai 2016
onsdag 25. mai 2016
tirsdag 24. mai 2016
Tcotd - 24-5-16
Tcotd - Nine of Cups
Good things is about to come. If you have a dream project at work you will be a part it. You are in a good place in your relationship and you will get a deeper understanding of each other. If you are single it is a perfect time to find love.
Your finances might improve, Your health is looking good/better. You are in a good place with your faith and beliefs. Trust yourself and dream big
mandag 23. mai 2016
Tcotd - 23-5-16
Ten of Wands
You may feel you have so many things on you plate and don't know where to start. It can be a heavy workload, a had place in your relationship, over-burdened when it comes to money, stress or you may feel your spirit have left you for a while - If you can - take a breake and do serious self-love. Come back with fresh eyes and fix what you can and lose what is not working for you. Maybe you need to prioritizeand don't foget that you will reach your goals.
fredag 20. mai 2016
Tarot Tag
Hello my peeps :)
I realized that I had deleted this post few months ago while I was cleaning my blog drafts.. So, for a little summerize. These questions is from Avalon's Spiritual Odyssey
Please pay her a visit on her YouTube channel and if you are into Tarot and all that.. Worth the visit :)
Here is my answers to the questions
1. What initially drew you to Tarot and how old
were you?
- When I was a young girl a cousin of mine had a friend who had visited a tarot reader and I don't know the reading was, but I was told that the tarot reader said to this man at the end: you will not see your 25th birthday. This man died in a car crash on this 25th birthday. I remember that I thought: wow, how exciting... (I felt bad about the man who lost his life), can she see that from the cards? What else can she see? I want to learn to do that.
- I have always been drawn to the unknown, mysthical things, occult if you like.
2. When did you acquire your first personal tarot deck?
- The first time I got my first tarot deck when I was 22-ish. It was just ordinary no-brand tarot deck that came along the book "Tarot" by Jane Lyle.
3.Are you a fan of the RWS or Thoth Systems?
- To be completely honest? RWS. I have never owned a Thoth deck, but it is on my wish list. I do not do readings with RWS very well for some strange reasons. But when I bought the Sharman-Caselli deck it finally clicked. I have found my go-to-deck.
4. What type of Tarot reader are you?
- I am a type of a reader who try to inspire with my readings. I don't say something that can be disturbing to others, like the reader who told her client that he would not be older than 25. I will not ever do that because it is disrespectful toward the client.
5. Do you use Tarot for Pathworking, Meditation, Manifestation etc
6. Do you do Daily Draws
- Sometimes I get in a roll where I do daily draws for a week or two, then I don't do for a while. It goes in circles.
7. Do you utilize a Tarot Journal and if so what are the benefits of a Tarot journal in you opinion?
- Yes, I have started to do a tarot journal. It helps me to see where I need to get better and when I flip back I can see the spread with new eyes and also give myself a better reading than the first one. When I do that I will write in a side note. I also write my daily draws (when I do them), but I often forget to check end of the day/week.
8. Would you consider yourself a Tarot collector or do you stay true to one or two decks only.
- I see myself a tarot collector. There are so many beautiful decks, but I do buy a deck every once awhile.
9. How do you bond with a deck?
- When I get a deck I study them and admire them to pieces without laying any spreads..I don't work with them at all. Then I put them away till they are calling me. Take my Grimoire deck for instance, I had it since January and it hasn't called me yet.. it may or it may not.
10. Do you cleans, bless, empower etc your decks?
- I haven't done that with my cards yet.
11. Do you adhere to any tarot superstitions
- I don't remove cards from my decks because I believe they are in the deck for a reason and I do read the if they come out reversed.
12. Do you integrate Significator cards into you readings?
- I usually don't do that, but if the client prefer that I will leave that in.
13. Do you prefer to use spreads or do you read free form?
- I use spreads because I am not good at free form my readings.
14. What is your Tarot Birth card?
- My Tarot Birth card is the Devil
15. What is your favorite Tarot card
- It was difficult because I don't have only one favorite. I love the Strength, the Hermit, nine of cups and the ten of cups. I finds it strange since "my cards" are the Pentacles.
16.What deck are you currently working with a present?
- I am now working with Chrysalis Tarot deck
17. What is your favorite Tarot deck in this moment in time
- In this time I love the Sharman-Caselli.
18. What is your least favorite Tarot deck
- The Grimoire Tarot deck and that is because they haven't called me yet.
19. What is your cheekiest deck
- I don't have a cheeky tarot deck.
20. Do you own any self published decks
- The tarot decks that I can think of is Doreen Virtue's Angels Tarot deck and healing with Faeries oracle Deck
21. What is your Tarot pet peeve?
- That has to be when I tell people that I do, they want a reading right there and then... especially if I not ready or prepared for it.
- Especially when people expect a free readings from strangers (okay, I do free readings close family and close friends).
22. Do you believe that you can give yourself an accurate reading on a matter your are heavily invested in?
- Yes and no. I find it very difficult to give myself an accurate reading period. I have no problems to that to other people. Three card spread I can do, when it comes to bigger spreads like the Celtic Cross or the 6 months spreads - no
23. Have you studied Numerology, Kabbalah, Astrology as part of you Tarot studies?
- I have been reading about that without really study the topics, but I will do it some time in the future
24. What are your opinions on Tarot and divination
25. Have you ever lost or damaged a Tarot deck?
- Yes, I was starting to lose few cards from my very first deck, then I started to punch holes and put them in my filofaxes :)
- My most recent deck.. I have misplaced three cards from my Chrysalis Tarot Deck
26. Have you ever inspired another to want to learn Tarot
- I have a bestie who find this very interesting, but don't want to invest in a deck... Her Birthday is coming up in August ;)
27. Do you use Tarot in conjunction with any other esoteric/divinatory tools
- I do use pendeleums and I do runes
28. What is a personally Tarot No No, something that crosses the boundaries of your personal code of Ethics?
-I have few code of ethics:
- Put off time to learn the cards like you would studying for a class/test or schedule it like it is a job. practice! practice! practice! If you thinking you would like to do this for a living, treat this like a job and apologize for it when you want money for the job because you don't run a charity!
Blessed be
Susann :)
I realized that I had deleted this post few months ago while I was cleaning my blog drafts.. So, for a little summerize. These questions is from Avalon's Spiritual Odyssey
Please pay her a visit on her YouTube channel and if you are into Tarot and all that.. Worth the visit :)
Here is my answers to the questions
- When I was a young girl a cousin of mine had a friend who had visited a tarot reader and I don't know the reading was, but I was told that the tarot reader said to this man at the end: you will not see your 25th birthday. This man died in a car crash on this 25th birthday. I remember that I thought: wow, how exciting... (I felt bad about the man who lost his life), can she see that from the cards? What else can she see? I want to learn to do that.
- I have always been drawn to the unknown, mysthical things, occult if you like.
2. When did you acquire your first personal tarot deck?
- The first time I got my first tarot deck when I was 22-ish. It was just ordinary no-brand tarot deck that came along the book "Tarot" by Jane Lyle.
3.Are you a fan of the RWS or Thoth Systems?
- To be completely honest? RWS. I have never owned a Thoth deck, but it is on my wish list. I do not do readings with RWS very well for some strange reasons. But when I bought the Sharman-Caselli deck it finally clicked. I have found my go-to-deck.
4. What type of Tarot reader are you?
- I am a type of a reader who try to inspire with my readings. I don't say something that can be disturbing to others, like the reader who told her client that he would not be older than 25. I will not ever do that because it is disrespectful toward the client.
5. Do you use Tarot for Pathworking, Meditation, Manifestation etc
6. Do you do Daily Draws
- Sometimes I get in a roll where I do daily draws for a week or two, then I don't do for a while. It goes in circles.
7. Do you utilize a Tarot Journal and if so what are the benefits of a Tarot journal in you opinion?
- Yes, I have started to do a tarot journal. It helps me to see where I need to get better and when I flip back I can see the spread with new eyes and also give myself a better reading than the first one. When I do that I will write in a side note. I also write my daily draws (when I do them), but I often forget to check end of the day/week.
8. Would you consider yourself a Tarot collector or do you stay true to one or two decks only.
- I see myself a tarot collector. There are so many beautiful decks, but I do buy a deck every once awhile.
9. How do you bond with a deck?
- When I get a deck I study them and admire them to pieces without laying any spreads..I don't work with them at all. Then I put them away till they are calling me. Take my Grimoire deck for instance, I had it since January and it hasn't called me yet.. it may or it may not.
10. Do you cleans, bless, empower etc your decks?
- I haven't done that with my cards yet.
11. Do you adhere to any tarot superstitions
- I don't remove cards from my decks because I believe they are in the deck for a reason and I do read the if they come out reversed.
12. Do you integrate Significator cards into you readings?
- I usually don't do that, but if the client prefer that I will leave that in.
13. Do you prefer to use spreads or do you read free form?
- I use spreads because I am not good at free form my readings.
14. What is your Tarot Birth card?
- My Tarot Birth card is the Devil
15. What is your favorite Tarot card
- It was difficult because I don't have only one favorite. I love the Strength, the Hermit, nine of cups and the ten of cups. I finds it strange since "my cards" are the Pentacles.
16.What deck are you currently working with a present?
- I am now working with Chrysalis Tarot deck
17. What is your favorite Tarot deck in this moment in time
- In this time I love the Sharman-Caselli.
18. What is your least favorite Tarot deck
- The Grimoire Tarot deck and that is because they haven't called me yet.
19. What is your cheekiest deck
- I don't have a cheeky tarot deck.
20. Do you own any self published decks
- The tarot decks that I can think of is Doreen Virtue's Angels Tarot deck and healing with Faeries oracle Deck
21. What is your Tarot pet peeve?
- That has to be when I tell people that I do, they want a reading right there and then... especially if I not ready or prepared for it.
- Especially when people expect a free readings from strangers (okay, I do free readings close family and close friends).
22. Do you believe that you can give yourself an accurate reading on a matter your are heavily invested in?
- Yes and no. I find it very difficult to give myself an accurate reading period. I have no problems to that to other people. Three card spread I can do, when it comes to bigger spreads like the Celtic Cross or the 6 months spreads - no
23. Have you studied Numerology, Kabbalah, Astrology as part of you Tarot studies?
- I have been reading about that without really study the topics, but I will do it some time in the future
24. What are your opinions on Tarot and divination
25. Have you ever lost or damaged a Tarot deck?
- Yes, I was starting to lose few cards from my very first deck, then I started to punch holes and put them in my filofaxes :)
- My most recent deck.. I have misplaced three cards from my Chrysalis Tarot Deck
26. Have you ever inspired another to want to learn Tarot
- I have a bestie who find this very interesting, but don't want to invest in a deck... Her Birthday is coming up in August ;)
27. Do you use Tarot in conjunction with any other esoteric/divinatory tools
- I do use pendeleums and I do runes
28. What is a personally Tarot No No, something that crosses the boundaries of your personal code of Ethics?
-I have few code of ethics:
- I don't read for anyone who is under the age of 18
- I am NOT a psychic so I can't communicate with those who has crossed over.
- I don't predict the future
- I do not answer specific questions about matters of the law, financial issues or health queries.
- I don't read on behalf of someone else that is not aware of it.
- If I do face-to face reading I expect the client NOT to be under the influence of alcohol/pills/other drugs
- If I feel a person is more up for an arguement than a reading, I'll stop the process and give back the money - My life and my time is too valuable so I want to give reading for those who want a reading and guidence.
- Put off time to learn the cards like you would studying for a class/test or schedule it like it is a job. practice! practice! practice! If you thinking you would like to do this for a living, treat this like a job and apologize for it when you want money for the job because you don't run a charity!
Blessed be
Susann :)
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