Hello little cute ones and merry meet
How are you all doing an I hope you are doing great,
What will I do not a reading about?
I will never give a reading on a medical problem, money problems or legal problems because I am not a doctor, I am not a accountant or I am not a lawyer. If I start to give advice on this issues I may create unneccesary stress and uncomfort to my client and in the end it would hurt my business as a serious tarot reader.
I do not tell the client if I see death... because I want to inspire and give them good vibes to other people with my reading and not spread bad karma.
Blessed be and merry see,
I am a Norwegian who loves anything tarot, Runes, Crystals, Pendelums, Oracle cards. What you will find here can be tarot reviews, spreads and chit chats and so on :)
tirsdag 31. januar 2017
Weekly tarot week 1 - 30th of January to the 5th of February2017
Hello beautiful souls and merry meet,
So, January is almost gone and we are getting closer to February... I have said this in so many blogpost how great the nature are awakening and starts to bloom, the days are getting longer and weather is getting warmer - hopefully sunnier as well.
I want to get back at readings and I have't done that for a long time. So I wanted do a weekly tarotscope, I may have a new moon spreads, full moon spreads and so on, but I don't want to commit 100% because I may fall off the blog wagon every once a while and I have so many plans on what I want to blog about. The result will be that I feel overwhelmed and I get nothing done.
Let give this a try:) This week I will use my most recent deck and I bought right before Yule like a Christmas presten and Birthday present for myself. It is the Illuminati tarot deck by Erik C. Dunne. I will do a review of this in a later blogpost...
As always take with you what speaks to you and leave the rest.
[The Empress]This week is for creativity, creation and creating something new and it will go your way.
You are passionate at work and you may experience people will listen to you and/or take your ideas to another level. Your creativity may come across as iniative and a result can be a promotion or a raise.
The finance may get better because you have to find new ways to come up with the money. It can be a good idea to put some away for rainy days.
Love is in the air, if you are single you may find love soon and it may be in places that you never thought before. If you are in a relationship already you may experience that your flame is returning.
Whatever you do will carry fruits as long as you remember to water and nuture the soil on your side of the fence.
[The Hermit] What can be at help for you is knowledge and wisdom. The Hermit also stands for rest, being able to retreat so you can charge you batteries if you need to. You must trust yourself and let the mind guide you to the place where you need to be. This is the card for guidance within.
Knowledge is everything and knowledge is power.
Remember to take a rest every once and a while so you don't get a burnout because you can't be creative and produce new things for yourself or others if you are forced to take a break and have a rest.
[The High Priestess - Reversed] You may have difficulties to take a rest because you "ignore" the little voice in the head to slow down and take things slower. Many of us are "good girls & good boys" because we do a lot more what is expected of us and we want to please those who are important to us. We do things because we think this is expected of us and we will feel bad if we don't come through for others.
Listen to the little voice more often because it will serve you better in the long run.
This was the a short and sweet tarot spread for this week :)
Blessed bee and merry see,
søndag 29. januar 2017
Day 24 of 31 Days of tarot - What Tarot deck do you wish existed? (Haunted mansion tarot, Harry Potter Tarot, Tarot of the Spaghetti Monster?)
Hello Star Child and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great in these dark days and night. I am glad that the sun has turned and the days are longer.
So, What tarot deck do I wish existed? That is a tough one because there are so many decks out there and chance for deck excist is big one:)
Blesse be and merry see,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great in these dark days and night. I am glad that the sun has turned and the days are longer.
So, What tarot deck do I wish existed? That is a tough one because there are so many decks out there and chance for deck excist is big one:)
- Kiss tarot deck (I know there are some tarot drawing of Kiss at DiviantArt, but I do not know if there are a deck or not)
- Harry Potter tarot deck and a oracle deck
- A proper Dog tarot
- Christmas tarot ( I do know there is one out there, but for some strang reason it didn't speak to me)
Blesse be and merry see,
Day 23 of 31 Days of Tarot - Your favourite Tarot deck storage boxes/bags/cloths.
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing all right in this winters nights. Just few more days till Imbolc..Who is excited? I am..I am :) Any plans on that day? I hope you all have an awesome Imbolc :)
I don't have the biggest tarot collection although I am getting closer to 20 deck in tarot and close to 10 oracle decks. On my wishlist there are clos to 35 decks (tarot and oracle).
I store all of my decks together and in the same way. As you can see I usually don't save the Tarot boxes.. I haven't thrown them away, but I don't use them at all. I use the boxes that came with the Lenormand decks and the box my Illuminati tarot came in is used for other thing
This box was a gift from my mom almost 20-25 years ago and I love it. It is a deep green with gold metal handlers, and the corners of the box is gold metal plates
The decks are in a jewllry gift bags and I store all the decks together and the reason for that I know where they are at all times ;)
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 22 of 31 Days of Tarot - Tarot and Oracle decks you use only for personal use.
Hello little love bugs and merry meet
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great,
Tarot and Oracle that I use for personal use, well I use only one of my tarot deck for personal use and that is Osho Zen Tarot.
There have been many discussions about that deck.. Is it a Tarot deck or is it a Oracle deck? To my opinion it is a bit of a hybrid. You could use it as a tarot and a oracle
The reason for that is because I bought it second hand and it was missing about 8 cards. The reason I don't read for otherswith that deck is because those missing cards. I believe that it may have messages for my client and they may miss it because of the missing cards.
I use that deck as a oracle deck and us it in my daily and weekly draws.. I really like this deck so I would and I will buy myself a new deck so I have a full deck and hopefully use it with my clients.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great,
Tarot and Oracle that I use for personal use, well I use only one of my tarot deck for personal use and that is Osho Zen Tarot.
There have been many discussions about that deck.. Is it a Tarot deck or is it a Oracle deck? To my opinion it is a bit of a hybrid. You could use it as a tarot and a oracle
The reason for that is because I bought it second hand and it was missing about 8 cards. The reason I don't read for otherswith that deck is because those missing cards. I believe that it may have messages for my client and they may miss it because of the missing cards.
I use that deck as a oracle deck and us it in my daily and weekly draws.. I really like this deck so I would and I will buy myself a new deck so I have a full deck and hopefully use it with my clients.
Blessed be and merry see,
fredag 27. januar 2017
Day 13 of 31 Days of Tarot - Tarot decks working with in 2017.
Hello little star dust and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great in this days of January.. Am I the only one who finds January extra long and dark month? I must say that I look forward to February and Imbolc :)
Now, my work with the tarot decks in 2017,
This year I want to know Book of Shadow as above, Paulina tarot and the Ceccoli Tarot. On the other side I want to try connect with all of my decks, but I guess it is a long stretch...
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great in this days of January.. Am I the only one who finds January extra long and dark month? I must say that I look forward to February and Imbolc :)
Now, my work with the tarot decks in 2017,
This year I want to know Book of Shadow as above, Paulina tarot and the Ceccoli Tarot. On the other side I want to try connect with all of my decks, but I guess it is a long stretch...
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 12 of 31 Days of Tarot - Oracle decks working with in 2017
Hello Kitten and merry meet,
How aree you all doing and I hope you are doing great.
So, my work on oracle decks in 2017
This year I want to work on all of my oracle deck, but I will focus on the Shaman's Oracle, The Fairy Tales and the Gilded Reverie Lenormand this year.
Blessed be and merry see,
How aree you all doing and I hope you are doing great.
So, my work on oracle decks in 2017
This year I want to work on all of my oracle deck, but I will focus on the Shaman's Oracle, The Fairy Tales and the Gilded Reverie Lenormand this year.
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 11 of 31 Days of Tarot - Tarot goals 2017
Hello tarot souls and merry meet,
How are you doing and I hope you all doing great.
Today is the question is about my tarot goals for 2017
I don't have many tarot goals, I think, but some :)
I still want to grow along with my tarot cards and the experience they give me.
Yes, I want to expand my tarot collection
I also want to get my tarot shop up and running during 2017
Have my version of Tarot E-book (in Norwegian and English)
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing and I hope you all doing great.
Today is the question is about my tarot goals for 2017
I don't have many tarot goals, I think, but some :)
I still want to grow along with my tarot cards and the experience they give me.
Yes, I want to expand my tarot collection
I also want to get my tarot shop up and running during 2017
Have my version of Tarot E-book (in Norwegian and English)
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 9 of 31 Days of Tarot - Top 5 decks on your wish list now.
Hey moon child and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great :)
Today is the questions top 5 decks on my wishlist...
The thing is that I have almost 30 deck on my list so if I should pick 5 and no particular order:
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great :)
Today is the questions top 5 decks on my wishlist...
The thing is that I have almost 30 deck on my list so if I should pick 5 and no particular order:
- The Ghost Tarot by Davide Corsi
- Modern Spellcasters tarot by Melanie Marquis
- Thoth Tarot By Allistair Crowley
- Ghost and Spirit By Lisa Hunt
- Steampunk Tarot By Barbara Moore
Day 8 of 31 Days of Tarot - Most worked deck in 2016 and why.
Hello sweethearts and merry meet,
Now it is day 8 out of 31 days of tarot and the question is my most worked on deck in 2016.
This is a easy one :) I worked on Book of Shadows so Below.
I am so surprised how easily I read from this deck.
First of all I'm a visual person and this deck show a everyday situation and I can go to town with the reading.
There are a lot of things going on and I don't think it is too busy.. There are also a lot for symbols the cards that is helpful to the reading.
This is my go to deck and I also have As above that I haven't worked so much with, but it is one of the goals for 2017 :)
Blessed be,
Now it is day 8 out of 31 days of tarot and the question is my most worked on deck in 2016.
This is a easy one :) I worked on Book of Shadows so Below.
I am so surprised how easily I read from this deck.
First of all I'm a visual person and this deck show a everyday situation and I can go to town with the reading.
There are a lot of things going on and I don't think it is too busy.. There are also a lot for symbols the cards that is helpful to the reading.
This is my go to deck and I also have As above that I haven't worked so much with, but it is one of the goals for 2017 :)
Blessed be,
Day 6 of 31 Days of Tarot - The deck you finally crossed of wishlist in 2016
Hello Star Childs and merry meet,
How are you all doing this morning? I hope you are doing great :) Are you enjoying this season?
So, the question of the day is what deck did cross off your wishlish and all of my decks that I bought in 2016 was on my wishlist.
Some of the decks I bought in 2016 - just naming a few:
Chrysalis tarot - Toney Brooks
Book of Shadow (both of them) - Barbra Moore
Paulina Tarot By Pulina Cassidy
Shadowscape Tarot - Stephie Pui-Mun
Halloween tarot - Kipling west
The gilded tarot - Ciro Marchetti
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing this morning? I hope you are doing great :) Are you enjoying this season?
So, the question of the day is what deck did cross off your wishlish and all of my decks that I bought in 2016 was on my wishlist.
Some of the decks I bought in 2016 - just naming a few:
Chrysalis tarot - Toney Brooks
Book of Shadow (both of them) - Barbra Moore
Paulina Tarot By Pulina Cassidy
Shadowscape Tarot - Stephie Pui-Mun
Halloween tarot - Kipling west
The gilded tarot - Ciro Marchetti
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 5 of 31 Days of Tarot - What card stalked you in 2016
Hello winter Pandas and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing well, I hope you are sdjusting to the everyday life after the holidays again.
The question for today is about what card stalked me throughout 2016 and for me it was eight of cups.
In every 15 spreads eight of cups would pop up close to 8 times...
This man walk away from his dreams/feelings and he want to have his distance from the situation and clear his mind.
For me, there have been situations where I needed a "time-out" and figure out what to do and what not to do.. what was important to me and so on. I am not 100% there yet, but still working on it and still doing it better at it :)
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing well, I hope you are sdjusting to the everyday life after the holidays again.
The question for today is about what card stalked me throughout 2016 and for me it was eight of cups.
In every 15 spreads eight of cups would pop up close to 8 times...
This man walk away from his dreams/feelings and he want to have his distance from the situation and clear his mind.
For me, there have been situations where I needed a "time-out" and figure out what to do and what not to do.. what was important to me and so on. I am not 100% there yet, but still working on it and still doing it better at it :)
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 4 of 31 Days of Tarot - top 5 tarot books in 2016
Hello winter children and merry meet,
Today's question is about tarot books and I must say I don't have a big heap of tarot books and all of my books I bought in 2016. I am not a big tarot book lover for some strange reason..
I have "tarot Bible" by Sarah Bartlett and is a book of 383 pages (400 if you include the glossary and the index pages)
It is good choice for a beginner, the book is in two parts. Part 1 is about the basics of tarot and part 2 is the tarot directory.
In the section of tarot meaning, she give you keywords, key phrases and interpretations.This book is only about the up right cards, I miss the reversed meaning.
I have "tarot for dummies" byAmber Jayanti and this is a book 320 pages (372 pages if you include the index and introduction pages)
This is also a great choice for a beginner and I still miss the reversed meaning of the cards.
I do have "the complete book of Tarot spread" by Evelin Burger and Johannes Fiebig. This book covers practicing tarot, layouts, tarot and astrology + index.
This book has 122 tarot spreads,from 3 cards spread to large spreads to 21 cards.
And finally I have the Holistic tarot by Benebell Wen and book is on whopping 874 including the index.
This book contains ALOT of informations, this book cover EVERY aspects of tarot and this can be overwhelming book, but take small steps and you will be fine:)
Blessed be and merry see
Today's question is about tarot books and I must say I don't have a big heap of tarot books and all of my books I bought in 2016. I am not a big tarot book lover for some strange reason..

It is good choice for a beginner, the book is in two parts. Part 1 is about the basics of tarot and part 2 is the tarot directory.
In the section of tarot meaning, she give you keywords, key phrases and interpretations.This book is only about the up right cards, I miss the reversed meaning.

This is also a great choice for a beginner and I still miss the reversed meaning of the cards.
I do have "the complete book of Tarot spread" by Evelin Burger and Johannes Fiebig. This book covers practicing tarot, layouts, tarot and astrology + index.
This book has 122 tarot spreads,from 3 cards spread to large spreads to 21 cards.
And finally I have the Holistic tarot by Benebell Wen and book is on whopping 874 including the index.
This book contains ALOT of informations, this book cover EVERY aspects of tarot and this can be overwhelming book, but take small steps and you will be fine:)
Blessed be and merry see
Day 3 of 31 Days of Tarot - My top 5 Oracle deck of 2016
Hello winter pandas and merry meet,
How are you and I hope you are doing great in these dark days of winter.
The question of the day is about my top 5 oracle decks of 2016
1. The Fairy Tales by Lisa Hunt & Arwen Lynch
2. Healing with the Faeries by Doreen Virtue
3. Gilded Reverie Oracle by Ciro Marchetti
4. Animal Message by Susi Green
5. Shaman Oracle by John Matthews
Blessed be and merry se,
How are you and I hope you are doing great in these dark days of winter.
The question of the day is about my top 5 oracle decks of 2016
1. The Fairy Tales by Lisa Hunt & Arwen Lynch
2. Healing with the Faeries by Doreen Virtue
3. Gilded Reverie Oracle by Ciro Marchetti
4. Animal Message by Susi Green
5. Shaman Oracle by John Matthews
Blessed be and merry se,
Day 2 of 31 Days of Tarot – Top 5 Tarot Decks of 2016.
Hello star child and merry meet,
How are you doing in the new year, I hope you had a peaceful celebration and I hope you will have a peaceful 2017.
This question is what 5 top decks you worked with in 2016 and here is deck that I worked most with in 2016
1. Book of shadows: So Below by Barbara Moore
2. The Sharman-Caselli tarot deck by Juliet Sharman Burke and Giovanni Caselli
3. Cat's Eye Tarot by by Debra M. Givin
4. The Gilded tarot by Ciro Manche
5. Angel tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing in the new year, I hope you had a peaceful celebration and I hope you will have a peaceful 2017.
This question is what 5 top decks you worked with in 2016 and here is deck that I worked most with in 2016
1. Book of shadows: So Below by Barbara Moore
2. The Sharman-Caselli tarot deck by Juliet Sharman Burke and Giovanni Caselli
3. Cat's Eye Tarot by by Debra M. Givin
4. The Gilded tarot by Ciro Manche
5. Angel tarot deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 1 of 31 Days of Tarot – 2017 – Reading – Energy – Major Lesson.
Hello and merry meet,
First of all I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.
Ethony Dawn is doing the 31 days of Tarot again :) She did this January 2016 as well, but I dicovered this in November 2016. So I was wondering how I should do this.. Since I did it in last month, should I wait till december... neeehh, I will do 2017 challenge in January. Weell, I know the month is almost over, but hey, why not?
So, the first question of the year is a reading: Energy and major lesson, I am not sure if it is only for January or the whole year... So I take it as a monthly reading :)
First of all, this will be your year. This a month where you will find yourself, you will throw out what doesn't work for you. Let go of the stuff that doesn't benefit you and change what you can and let go of the rest.
Let your inner energy/power free. You have to use your voice, more you use your voice more people will listen to you, you have been quiet far too long.
When you are free and your power are running free you will be 100 % authentic and with time you will harvest you fruits and you may even get help from unexpected place.
You rise from ashes like a phoenix, I get a sentence coming up in my head and that is: THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.
Blessed be and merry see,
First of all I want to wish you all a Happy New Year.
Ethony Dawn is doing the 31 days of Tarot again :) She did this January 2016 as well, but I dicovered this in November 2016. So I was wondering how I should do this.. Since I did it in last month, should I wait till december... neeehh, I will do 2017 challenge in January. Weell, I know the month is almost over, but hey, why not?
So, the first question of the year is a reading: Energy and major lesson, I am not sure if it is only for January or the whole year... So I take it as a monthly reading :)
First of all, this will be your year. This a month where you will find yourself, you will throw out what doesn't work for you. Let go of the stuff that doesn't benefit you and change what you can and let go of the rest.
Let your inner energy/power free. You have to use your voice, more you use your voice more people will listen to you, you have been quiet far too long.
When you are free and your power are running free you will be 100 % authentic and with time you will harvest you fruits and you may even get help from unexpected place.
You rise from ashes like a phoenix, I get a sentence coming up in my head and that is: THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.
Blessed be and merry see,
Day 14 of 31 Days of Tarot - Your Tarot journal
Hello Lollipops and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great :)
So, today is the day I will show my tarot journal. I have two..Well, really four, I use two of them for my tarot notes and the third is tarot spread I find online like Pinterest, Blogs or YouTube that is only for personal use.
In my last tarot book I write down tarot spread that I make.
My small tarot journal is a mish mash of tarot stuff, I write both in norwegian and English.
Every year I write down the Year card for my hubby and son + myself :) The cards I did for 2016 was spot on!!! For me anyway :)
I have just started my A4 notebook and I have my A Year Ahead so far :)
Blessed be and merry see
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great :)
So, today is the day I will show my tarot journal. I have two..Well, really four, I use two of them for my tarot notes and the third is tarot spread I find online like Pinterest, Blogs or YouTube that is only for personal use.
In my last tarot book I write down tarot spread that I make.
My small tarot journal is a mish mash of tarot stuff, I write both in norwegian and English.
Every year I write down the Year card for my hubby and son + myself :) The cards I did for 2016 was spot on!!! For me anyway :)
I have just started my A4 notebook and I have my A Year Ahead so far :)
Blessed be and merry see
mandag 23. januar 2017
Blog Birthday
Hello and merry meet :)
I took few weeks off in this new year because I needed a rest from everything, but now I'm back again and there will be blog post as normal again :)
Till then: Happy 1 year blog to me :)
Blessed be and merry see,
I took few weeks off in this new year because I needed a rest from everything, but now I'm back again and there will be blog post as normal again :)
Till then: Happy 1 year blog to me :)
Blessed be and merry see,
lørdag 21. januar 2017
Day 21 of 31 Days of Tarot - Do you read your little white books, tarot and oracle guidebooks? How do you use them? What do you do when the information seems to contradict the reading?
Hello star dust and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great,
Do I read the little white books that comes along with the tarot deck? No, But I do write the meaning in my tarot book and then I discard the little books.
I have five tarot books, one for the major arcana and one for each suits.
When the information seem to contradict the reading and I go with my gut feeling when I read for clients
I may look through some tarot books when I read for myself and I always ends up trusting my gut feeling:)
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great,
Do I read the little white books that comes along with the tarot deck? No, But I do write the meaning in my tarot book and then I discard the little books.
I have five tarot books, one for the major arcana and one for each suits.
When the information seem to contradict the reading and I go with my gut feeling when I read for clients
I may look through some tarot books when I read for myself and I always ends up trusting my gut feeling:)
Blessed be and merry see,
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Happy Easter/Ostara
Hello Sun children and merry meet How are you all doing and I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter or Happy Ostara in the northern hemisph...

Hello beautiful souls Welcom to my blog and this blogpost is in a Tarot Blog Hop and this is my first entry and that alone goes well with ...
PREVIOUS BLOG | MASTER LIST | NEXT BLOG Hello you beautiful Blog Hopers and merry meet :) How are you doing? I hope this blog finds y...
Hello Lovly and merry meet, How are you all doing? I hope you are doing weel and you had a great Ostara:) So what's on the table ...