I am a Norwegian who loves anything tarot, Runes, Crystals, Pendelums, Oracle cards. What you will find here can be tarot reviews, spreads and chit chats and so on :)
onsdag 24. august 2016
BR to 10 Question a tarot reader "must" answer!
Hello beautiful people,
I hope you are doing well this mid-week :) We are close to go over to a next month and the autumn is here (spring in the southern hemisphere).
I saw a video by Ethony from youtube and she vloged about "10 questions a tarot reader must answer" and you can find her vlog here. I believe it was a blogpost by Left Hand Tarot and you can find it here.
I find this interesting so I wanted to participate in this so here are my answers :)
1. Were you mentored, or were you self-taught?
- I am 100% self-taught; I bought my first deck early in my 20's. Before I had access to the internet, I had one book as reference - It was a plain no brand tarot deck and it were close to a Raider Waite deck. I didn't connect with it at all. Put it away and didn't touch a tarot for 10-15 years only because of one single reason: I thought that as long I didn’t learn much of this deck I couldn't learn tarot at all. I bought a new tarot deck November 2015 and it "exploded" - I went wow...From November 2015 to today, 24th August 2016, I have 15 tarot decks, 4 oracle decks and two homemade runes set :) Mama went a little bit nuts about tarot :) hahaha
I would love to have a mentor who can guide me. I sometime feel like I am a itsy bitsy lost, when I am getting close to something woo-woo I can't grab it ;)
2. Are you a psychic or a Tarot reader?
- I am NOT a psychic like a medium, but I am someone who can read tarot with a strong gut feeling :)
3. Are your predictions accurate, and is accuracy important to you?
- My predictions are pretty accurate - some times they are spot on and other time they are way off. I believe that if they are not accurate right away, they can come through later.. Let’s say within a week, months of a year. Like I say to clients keep it mind that can happened. Like Ethony was talking about in the video, nobody is 100% accurate all the time in any profession..
4. Is there anything you can't predict in a reading?
Well, the cards can give a lot of answers, but there are few things I will not reveal for the client. If the spread is very, very dark and the outcome is not good, I will reshuffle and lay a new spread. The reason for that is I want to inspire people to take action in their lives.
Side note: The first time I heard the word tarot reader, I was a little girl - about 10-12 years old, my cousin lost one her friend in a car accident. This friend went to a tarot reader and he was told he will not see his 25th Birthday... and he died on his 25th Birthday. My first question that popped up in my head was why did tarot reader reveal this to the client?
5. Do you use only Tarot, or are you multi-disciplinary?
- I use Runes, Lenormand, Oracle decks, pendulums, crystals or what the Mother Nature can give me. Next project is astrology, numerology, Reiki, My filosophy is that I want to know a little of everything instead of know everything of one topic.
6. Is the message in the cards, or in your head?
- Both, the way I read cards I get an overlook over the cards and my intuition takes over.
7. Are you a priest or a fortune-teller?
- I have been on my Pagan/Wicca path for a little while, but I haven't taken the step 100% till now. Up till now I have been reading about it, some studying and watched TONS of YouTube videos and documentaries.
8. Are you a fixer or a looker?
- I am a looker, I believe it is not my job to "fix" the client; the client is the star of their life so he/she must change whatever it is wrong in their life. All I can do is tell what the cards say and maybe tell those few options on what can be done and few options what will not happened if they don't change their life. We have free will and nothing is set in stone.
9. Do you read for free, or for fee?
- If I offer a reading it is for free (very close friends and family), but someone approach me for a reading I do it for a fee.
10. Is there anything you won't do in a reading?
- I believe this question is connected along the question 4. There a lot of thing I won't predict or do for a reading, I won't participate in hexing, vendettas, drama, I don't talk to the dead, answer the question when/how will I die, will I be rich and famous and so on and so on. I won't do reading for persons under the age of 18; I don't answer specific questions about health, finance or law because I am not a doctor, accountant or a lawyer.
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