Hello moon children and merry meet,
I noticed when I wrote this blog post that I fucked up the questions with the dates... I am leave like it is and because it is too much work to change so late in the year :)
I do other forms for divinations like meditations, I use runes, I use oracle, I use pendeleums and I use crystals.
I like to meditate along with a tarot card and I use my Osho Tarot for that, I have startet my rune journey few months ago and I finds it very interesting, I have used oracle cards for nearly five years by now, I use penduleum every once and a while. I have just stared to use crystals
The last and final question of December 2016 :)
As always....Take what speaks to you and leave the rest:)
Pull some cards for January 2017 for
yourself and share. 1 Energy in January. 2 Challenge in January. 3.
Opportunity in January.
It istime to take a step back, take a time out and charge up the batteries. It may you feel this is what you need or maybe you have been told that this is what need/must do. Take care of your health because the health is the most important you have. If you don't take of yourself no one else will. Is it for couple of days to couple of weeks - only you know. After a hectic month of December a rest is not a bad a idea :) Spend it well, be selfish, think ME-time, it is important to have have a date night with yourself and you partner. If you can't take some days off, most of can't, lock yourself in the bathroom and have a spa day on your own. No matter what you do, just do something that makes you happy and relax.
Your challenges for January can lie in trusting and understanding - it can kick you in the butt. You must trust yourself and stand up for youself say: Bitch, I don't have time for this shit.
You have time off in January even it is a hour or three a day, You have the right to say no if you like...
As a tip: You can tell him/her: "I know this is important to you and this is not about you, but I can't be there for you right now. Please contact me again for a cup of coffee."
Opportunities for January is new chance to make more money, maybe you get a new job with a better pay, declutter your home so you sell or donate what you don't need.
You are good at knowing where to start so you can get the best result. this is you year and a natrual leader in a difficult times, this is your gift.
Have a open mind and you will get your opportunities of a lifetime :)
By that I will wish you a Happy New Year and I will see you in 2017 :)
Blessed be and merry see,
I am a Norwegian who loves anything tarot, Runes, Crystals, Pendelums, Oracle cards. What you will find here can be tarot reviews, spreads and chit chats and so on :)
lørdag 31. desember 2016
fredag 30. desember 2016
30/31 - The 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you have a Tarot mentor? Who are they (in relation to you) and how do they inspire you?
Hello Star Children,
How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well? Are you ready for go into to the New Year? Out with the old and used and in with the new and unused.
The question of the day is: Do you have a mentor? And how do they inspire you.
The short answer to question is that I don't have a mentor. I wish I had mentor so I can bounce my ideas to and I can get a hint if I am way off or spot on. I have a friends who is starting to reading tarot and this is very good training and we help each other. On the other hand I wish I had a more seasoned tarot reading to give me advice.
I have been doing this for many years and I still feel like a newbie.
But I spend a lot of time on the internet and YouTube and watch a lot of tarot videos and it give me tips and pointers. I get ideas from other tarot readers like tarotbyarwen, ethony, tarotbyania and Donnaleigh, just to name a few.
Arwen's YouTube Channel here
Ethony's YouTube Channel here
Ania's YouTube Channel here
DonnaLeigh's YouTube Channel here
Blessed be and merry see
How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well? Are you ready for go into to the New Year? Out with the old and used and in with the new and unused.
The question of the day is: Do you have a mentor? And how do they inspire you.
The short answer to question is that I don't have a mentor. I wish I had mentor so I can bounce my ideas to and I can get a hint if I am way off or spot on. I have a friends who is starting to reading tarot and this is very good training and we help each other. On the other hand I wish I had a more seasoned tarot reading to give me advice.
I have been doing this for many years and I still feel like a newbie.
But I spend a lot of time on the internet and YouTube and watch a lot of tarot videos and it give me tips and pointers. I get ideas from other tarot readers like tarotbyarwen, ethony, tarotbyania and Donnaleigh, just to name a few.
Arwen's YouTube Channel here
Ethony's YouTube Channel here
Ania's YouTube Channel here
DonnaLeigh's YouTube Channel here
Blessed be and merry see
torsdag 29. desember 2016
29/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Does anyone you know not agree with your Tarot practices?
Hello tator tots and merry meet,
This will be a short and sweet answer on today's question: does anyone you know not agreeing with tarot practice?
My closest family know and they say go right ahead :) And some of my friends know, they give me love and thumbs up.
If you don't pay my bills, sleeps in my bed or live with me - I don't give a fuck on what you think what I should do or not do :)
Blessed be and merry see,
This will be a short and sweet answer on today's question: does anyone you know not agreeing with tarot practice?
My closest family know and they say go right ahead :) And some of my friends know, they give me love and thumbs up.
If you don't pay my bills, sleeps in my bed or live with me - I don't give a fuck on what you think what I should do or not do :)
Blessed be and merry see,
onsdag 28. desember 2016
28/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you have a special time and/or place that you use your Tarot? If so, do you reserve the deck specifically for that purpose?
Hello Star Children an merry meet
Do you have a special time and/or place that you use your Tarot? If so, do you reserve the deck specifically for that purpose?
I need to this when I'm home alone because I need it to be quite in the house and I burn inscent. Sadly we don't have big enough appartment for me to to have my special space to do tarot. I guess we are moving within a year so I am holding fingers crossed that I will have my tarot/craft room :)
I do not have special decks for special times because I work with all of my decks from time to time.
Well, I have Halloween tarot that I use late September till early November.
I have a wish I will make happend in 2017 and that I will have a tarot deck for each Sabbath :)
Blessed be and merry see,
Do you have a special time and/or place that you use your Tarot? If so, do you reserve the deck specifically for that purpose?
I need to this when I'm home alone because I need it to be quite in the house and I burn inscent. Sadly we don't have big enough appartment for me to to have my special space to do tarot. I guess we are moving within a year so I am holding fingers crossed that I will have my tarot/craft room :)
I do not have special decks for special times because I work with all of my decks from time to time.
Well, I have Halloween tarot that I use late September till early November.
I have a wish I will make happend in 2017 and that I will have a tarot deck for each Sabbath :)
Blessed be and merry see,
tirsdag 27. desember 2016
Card of the year for 2017
hello you all and merry meet :)
As we are going into a new year and I like to find out what will be my card for 2017 :)
For this you use only the major arcana
For calculating this you need your birthday and the year you want to find your card
For this example we are using my Birthday :)
My Birthday is 31.12, so we add these numbers 31+12=43
Then you add the year 43+2017=2060
At the end you sum up these digits 2+0+6+0=8
So my card of the year in 2017 is Strength
There are couple thing would be great to have in mind when you do this.
First the Fool has no numbers so he get 22
Second, if you a number 23 or above you will need to sum up the digits once again :)
I don't know what deck this card is from, if you know let me know so I can credit the artist and author
Blessed be and merry see,
As we are going into a new year and I like to find out what will be my card for 2017 :)
For this you use only the major arcana
For calculating this you need your birthday and the year you want to find your card
For this example we are using my Birthday :)
My Birthday is 31.12, so we add these numbers 31+12=43
Then you add the year 43+2017=2060
At the end you sum up these digits 2+0+6+0=8
So my card of the year in 2017 is Strength
There are couple thing would be great to have in mind when you do this.
First the Fool has no numbers so he get 22
Second, if you a number 23 or above you will need to sum up the digits once again :)
I don't know what deck this card is from, if you know let me know so I can credit the artist and author
Blessed be and merry see,
mandag 26. desember 2016
26 and 27/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - What was the most dramatic/meaningful reading you ever did? (Not necessarily the most accurate.) No real names and trust your intuition with sharing certain information please.
Hello Sun babies and merry meet,
The question of the day is What was the most dramatic/meaningful reading you ever did? (Not necessarily the most accurate.) No real names and trust your intuition with sharing certain information please.
And tomorrows question is: Have you ever regretted a particular reading, either for yourself or another?
I decided to answer these two together since it is goes together hand in hand
I was not sure if I wanted to write todays blog, since I have been talkning about this before I thought what a heck... I guess this post will be the last time I talk about it.
In May/June 2002 I put down some cards for myself and I don't remember what spread I did, but I have a feeling I used the Gipsy spread.
The Gypsy Spread is also called the 6 months spread and this spread has 3x7 card spread = 21 cards.
One of the rows show the close future (2-3 months) and one of the cards was death. The death cards do not means a physischal death of a human being, but it means an end of something - like the saying you have to let go of something old to let something new to come in.
In that timeframe my mother was in her last stage of cancer.
After I was done with this spread I felt kind a funny for a couple of days and I couldn't shake it of.
About 4-6 weeks later my mom passed away.. Although this was expected and I was "prepared".. It was still a shock and I wasn't prepared at all.
Did I read this in the cards? no, I didn't and I still don't. What shocked me in the end is the timeline.
I regret doing this spread at the time becauseI wasn't ready for it although the result would be same either way.
Blessed be and merry see,
The question of the day is What was the most dramatic/meaningful reading you ever did? (Not necessarily the most accurate.) No real names and trust your intuition with sharing certain information please.
And tomorrows question is: Have you ever regretted a particular reading, either for yourself or another?
I decided to answer these two together since it is goes together hand in hand
I was not sure if I wanted to write todays blog, since I have been talkning about this before I thought what a heck... I guess this post will be the last time I talk about it.
In May/June 2002 I put down some cards for myself and I don't remember what spread I did, but I have a feeling I used the Gipsy spread.
The Gypsy Spread is also called the 6 months spread and this spread has 3x7 card spread = 21 cards.
One of the rows show the close future (2-3 months) and one of the cards was death. The death cards do not means a physischal death of a human being, but it means an end of something - like the saying you have to let go of something old to let something new to come in.
In that timeframe my mother was in her last stage of cancer.
After I was done with this spread I felt kind a funny for a couple of days and I couldn't shake it of.
About 4-6 weeks later my mom passed away.. Although this was expected and I was "prepared".. It was still a shock and I wasn't prepared at all.
Did I read this in the cards? no, I didn't and I still don't. What shocked me in the end is the timeline.
I regret doing this spread at the time becauseI wasn't ready for it although the result would be same either way.
Blessed be and merry see,
søndag 25. desember 2016
25/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - How accurate do you believe your readings are (or, do they accurately convey messages from spirits/deity)?
Hello winter pups and merry meet,
How are you doing in this busy day and I hope you are doing great... Please relax and allow youself a breake so you can breathe.. Merry Christmas /happy Yule :)
So, The question of the day is how accurate is the tarot reading?
When I read for good friends and family it is always spot on.. more or less. A reason for that can be because I know these people and I often knows about their projects... Is it because I know them it is spot on or is it because the right cards comes up? Since you know the people you are reading for you can always link it something in their life. Sadly I easily get a bit confused when I read for someone I know.
If I reading for someone I don't know or know that well, it is a bit better because I read the cards and I have to go with the cards and my intuitive voice within me.
I believe that there is no readings that is 100% all the time.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing in this busy day and I hope you are doing great... Please relax and allow youself a breake so you can breathe.. Merry Christmas /happy Yule :)
So, The question of the day is how accurate is the tarot reading?
When I read for good friends and family it is always spot on.. more or less. A reason for that can be because I know these people and I often knows about their projects... Is it because I know them it is spot on or is it because the right cards comes up? Since you know the people you are reading for you can always link it something in their life. Sadly I easily get a bit confused when I read for someone I know.
If I reading for someone I don't know or know that well, it is a bit better because I read the cards and I have to go with the cards and my intuitive voice within me.
I believe that there is no readings that is 100% all the time.
Blessed be and merry see,
lørdag 24. desember 2016
24/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - What question do you most often ask the deck (or, ask on behalf of another)?
Hello sun kittens and merry meet,
How are you doing in this busy day and I hope you are doing great... Please relax and allow youself a breake so you can breathe.. Merry Christmas /happy Yule :)
The Question of the day is What question do you most often ask the deck (or, ask on behalf of another)?
The questions I get the most is those questions I don't like very much. will I get married, when will I get rich, will I get rich and famous, will my ex come bac to me and so on..
When I get these question I try to find out why they want to know these thing, like a background check if you like, I will talk to the client and ask him/her if she are willing to modify their question. Usually It is not a problem because they don't know how to ask a tarot reader...
Rarely I get those who say no, this is the question... so I give you one time chance to dazzle me - give me what you got. They will have a push over energy.. When I experience those people I respectfully decline to give them a reading because they don't want a tarot reading, they just want to prove me wrong.
If it is really tarot reading they want I suggest to her/him to find someone else.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing in this busy day and I hope you are doing great... Please relax and allow youself a breake so you can breathe.. Merry Christmas /happy Yule :)
The Question of the day is What question do you most often ask the deck (or, ask on behalf of another)?
The questions I get the most is those questions I don't like very much. will I get married, when will I get rich, will I get rich and famous, will my ex come bac to me and so on..
When I get these question I try to find out why they want to know these thing, like a background check if you like, I will talk to the client and ask him/her if she are willing to modify their question. Usually It is not a problem because they don't know how to ask a tarot reader...
Rarely I get those who say no, this is the question... so I give you one time chance to dazzle me - give me what you got. They will have a push over energy.. When I experience those people I respectfully decline to give them a reading because they don't want a tarot reading, they just want to prove me wrong.
If it is really tarot reading they want I suggest to her/him to find someone else.
Blessed be and merry see,
fredag 23. desember 2016
23/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you charge money (or other ways of compensation) for your readings/services?
Hello beautiful souls and merry meet
How are you and I hope you are doing well. I also want to with you a wonderful winter solstice.. YAY.. The sun is turning and days becomes longer and the weather will be warmer, nature will once again bloom and come to life :) Wonderful times :) Happy Yule/Christmas to everyone :)
Today is the question: Do you charge money (or other ways of compensation) for your readings/services?
It depends who is asking and if I am offering a reading.
If I offer readings to close family and friends I don't charge money because I see it as training
If there are people who discover that I am a tarot reader and who "demand" a reading I will charge them.
I will sometimes come to a agreement of compensation, like a did nearly a year ago. I have a wonderful neighbour who also is a healer, So, we agreed that I would give her a reading and she would do some healing work on me :) That worked out fine :) I she told me that my reading was spot on... I was at ease in my stomach :)
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you and I hope you are doing well. I also want to with you a wonderful winter solstice.. YAY.. The sun is turning and days becomes longer and the weather will be warmer, nature will once again bloom and come to life :) Wonderful times :) Happy Yule/Christmas to everyone :)
Today is the question: Do you charge money (or other ways of compensation) for your readings/services?
It depends who is asking and if I am offering a reading.
If I offer readings to close family and friends I don't charge money because I see it as training
If there are people who discover that I am a tarot reader and who "demand" a reading I will charge them.
I will sometimes come to a agreement of compensation, like a did nearly a year ago. I have a wonderful neighbour who also is a healer, So, we agreed that I would give her a reading and she would do some healing work on me :) That worked out fine :) I she told me that my reading was spot on... I was at ease in my stomach :)
Blessed be and merry see,
torsdag 22. desember 2016
22/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - How do you feel when you do readings?
Hello moon puppies and merry meet,
How are you and I hope you are doing well. I also want to with you a wonderful winter solstice.. YAY.. The sun is turning and days becomes longer and the weather will be warmer, nature will once again bloom and come to life :) Wonderful times :) Happy Yule to everyone :)
Question of the day is How do you feel when you do readings?
First of all I do have butterflies in my stomach, I am excited and a hint of nervous. I don't how this reading goes before I see the cards.
But when I get started with the readings I get calm with a hint of butterflies :) When I turn over the cards I pretty much know how the reading will go.
In the end I get happy I can help those who need it. It does so much for the clients that they get answers to their questions :) If feel so good to able to help people.
Blessed be ands merry see,
How are you and I hope you are doing well. I also want to with you a wonderful winter solstice.. YAY.. The sun is turning and days becomes longer and the weather will be warmer, nature will once again bloom and come to life :) Wonderful times :) Happy Yule to everyone :)
Question of the day is How do you feel when you do readings?
First of all I do have butterflies in my stomach, I am excited and a hint of nervous. I don't how this reading goes before I see the cards.
But when I get started with the readings I get calm with a hint of butterflies :) When I turn over the cards I pretty much know how the reading will go.
In the end I get happy I can help those who need it. It does so much for the clients that they get answers to their questions :) If feel so good to able to help people.
Blessed be ands merry see,
Year ahead 2017 - Challenge
Hello you all and merry meet,
I wanted to join in onPatrick's (in the78cards) challenge.
You lay out 12 cards which is representing 12 month in the year and you place 13th card in the center and that will be the main energy throughout of 2017.
The idea behind this is that you are working with the first card in the first month along with the center card. The second card with the center card on the second month... and so on, you get the idea.
From what I gather from this, this is all about working, exploring, find a deeper meaning and so on.
This challenge is originally is over at Instagram at #yearahdead2017, but it is also up to you how open you want to be or how private you want to be. If you want to just look at the photos and like the photo, but participate private in you own journal.. why not? It is is totally up to you :)
Some starts at January and their wheel is from January to December while others take it from their Birthday and let it go till next Birthday. It is up to you how you want to do this.
If I starting on my Birthday or if I waits till January, it will be the same thing since my Birthday is on New Years Eve :)
My take on it is that I wanted to use a Oracle deck each month as well.
It is going to be a very interesting year because I will be working a lot with wands next year...
I think I start on the 1st on every month and I give my meaning of the cards + I will come back with an up date on the 15th and a final update when I begin a new month.
I will show my monthly cards and I will blog a bit about this without going into too much details. I think this will be fun and very interesting :)
Blessed be and merry see,
I wanted to join in onPatrick's (in the78cards) challenge.
You lay out 12 cards which is representing 12 month in the year and you place 13th card in the center and that will be the main energy throughout of 2017.
The idea behind this is that you are working with the first card in the first month along with the center card. The second card with the center card on the second month... and so on, you get the idea.
From what I gather from this, this is all about working, exploring, find a deeper meaning and so on.
This challenge is originally is over at Instagram at #yearahdead2017, but it is also up to you how open you want to be or how private you want to be. If you want to just look at the photos and like the photo, but participate private in you own journal.. why not? It is is totally up to you :)

If I starting on my Birthday or if I waits till January, it will be the same thing since my Birthday is on New Years Eve :)
My take on it is that I wanted to use a Oracle deck each month as well.
It is going to be a very interesting year because I will be working a lot with wands next year...
I think I start on the 1st on every month and I give my meaning of the cards + I will come back with an up date on the 15th and a final update when I begin a new month.
I will show my monthly cards and I will blog a bit about this without going into too much details. I think this will be fun and very interesting :)
Blessed be and merry see,
onsdag 21. desember 2016
21/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you read for yourself and/or for others? Why or why not?
Hello Winter babies and merry meet,
How are you and I hope you are doing well. I also want to with you a wonderful winter solstice.. YAY.. The sun is turning and days becomes longer and the weather will be warmer, nature will once again bloom and come to life :) Wonderful times :) Happy Yule to everyone :)
The question of the day is Do you read for yourself and/or for others? Why or why not?
I do read for myself of cours, not every day, but very often, I love to read for my self.. I did a post on this why I do it and if for answer on special issues, learning new things about myself, things I didn't thought of and such.
I want to read tarot as a job, although I have set up my shop I haven't been on it and marketing so much yet because I don't feel it is not the right time yet.. I have an Etsy shop and you can book a reading from me right here from my blog. All you have to do is to go to "book a reading" and follow the steps. I will do some more changes on that part in 2017 :)
One of the things it has taken so long can be that I can't let myself go in reading the cards as if I read for myself. It can be the fear of be waaay off and say things that make the client go... What in the hell is she talking about??? I still have to "force" my friends be clients for a while longer :)
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you and I hope you are doing well. I also want to with you a wonderful winter solstice.. YAY.. The sun is turning and days becomes longer and the weather will be warmer, nature will once again bloom and come to life :) Wonderful times :) Happy Yule to everyone :)
The question of the day is Do you read for yourself and/or for others? Why or why not?
I do read for myself of cours, not every day, but very often, I love to read for my self.. I did a post on this why I do it and if for answer on special issues, learning new things about myself, things I didn't thought of and such.
I want to read tarot as a job, although I have set up my shop I haven't been on it and marketing so much yet because I don't feel it is not the right time yet.. I have an Etsy shop and you can book a reading from me right here from my blog. All you have to do is to go to "book a reading" and follow the steps. I will do some more changes on that part in 2017 :)
One of the things it has taken so long can be that I can't let myself go in reading the cards as if I read for myself. It can be the fear of be waaay off and say things that make the client go... What in the hell is she talking about??? I still have to "force" my friends be clients for a while longer :)
Blessed be and merry see,
tirsdag 20. desember 2016
20/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you feel a “connection” to your cards?
Hello Snow Angels and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great in this time of the holiday. I want to wish you Happy Yule celebrations. I hope you have a peaceful time :)
This question is Do you feel a “connection” to your cards?
Yes, I do have connection with my tarot decks and I have a different relationship with all of my decks. Some of them need more attention than others.
When I get a deck I look on every single card, the I run every card through scent and cover the cards in a tarot bag. I put them away till I feel like working with them. Sometime it can go hours, days or couple of monts. I do have a deck I got January this year, but I haven't felt the urge to play with them and it is The dark Grimoire Tarot deck.
If I don't use within 2017, I will sell it, trade it or giving it away. I don't to have decks that don't use. I knew when I bought it that was a risky buy.. I thought it would to buy it and sell it again instead of always wondering :)
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great in this time of the holiday. I want to wish you Happy Yule celebrations. I hope you have a peaceful time :)
This question is Do you feel a “connection” to your cards?
Yes, I do have connection with my tarot decks and I have a different relationship with all of my decks. Some of them need more attention than others.
When I get a deck I look on every single card, the I run every card through scent and cover the cards in a tarot bag. I put them away till I feel like working with them. Sometime it can go hours, days or couple of monts. I do have a deck I got January this year, but I haven't felt the urge to play with them and it is The dark Grimoire Tarot deck.
If I don't use within 2017, I will sell it, trade it or giving it away. I don't to have decks that don't use. I knew when I bought it that was a risky buy.. I thought it would to buy it and sell it again instead of always wondering :)
Blessed be and merry see,
mandag 19. desember 2016
19/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you do readings using reversals? Why or why not?
Hello moon pups and merry meet,
How are you all doing in these days? I hope you are doing great :)
This question is: Do you do readings using reversals? Why or why not?
The very short answer to this question is that...Yes, I do read reversals.
Why? well, this is how taught myself to read tarot and I also believe that it is a reason for a card is coming upside down.. it is not always a bad thing.
This post can be connected to the blog post I did about major/minor arcana. I don't feel I get the whole story or all the answers if I read as one way. There's nothing wrong to read this way or the other way. You have to read it like is right for you.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing in these days? I hope you are doing great :)
This question is: Do you do readings using reversals? Why or why not?
The very short answer to this question is that...Yes, I do read reversals.
Why? well, this is how taught myself to read tarot and I also believe that it is a reason for a card is coming upside down.. it is not always a bad thing.
This post can be connected to the blog post I did about major/minor arcana. I don't feel I get the whole story or all the answers if I read as one way. There's nothing wrong to read this way or the other way. You have to read it like is right for you.
Blessed be and merry see,
Pagan challenge week 8 - Do you have a matron/patron? How did you find them?
Hello beautiful souls and merry meet :)
We are now on the 8th question in the pagan Challenge and do I have a matron/patron?
This will be a very short blog post :
The very short answer is: No, I do not have matron/patron, but if I should look into this it would be natrual to me to look into norse mythology since I am Norwegian/Scandinavian.
For now the answer is no :)
Blessed be and merry see :)
We are now on the 8th question in the pagan Challenge and do I have a matron/patron?

The very short answer is: No, I do not have matron/patron, but if I should look into this it would be natrual to me to look into norse mythology since I am Norwegian/Scandinavian.
For now the answer is no :)
Blessed be and merry see :)
søndag 18. desember 2016
18/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you ever use the Major Arcana without the Minor Arcana or vise verse? Do you read with Major Arcana only decks?
Hello Snow flakes and merry meet,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great and allowing yourself to take a breake and breathe
The question of the day is: Do you ever use the Major Arcana without the Minor Arcana or vise verse? Do you read with Major Arcana only decks?
No, I don't use just the major arcana or just the minor arcana because it doesn't roll with me. I need both arcanas to get the full picure and I don't feel that I don't see all the answers only in of the arcanas.
I don't own a of the has only one arcana, but I do own "a dog's tarot" and it has 30 cards..20 of the majors and ten of the minor. I was so disappointed when I got it because I thought it was a full blown 78 cards tarot deck. I was thinking of making my own dog tarot :)
The only time I use the Major Arcana is when I calculate the card of the year (I will a blogpost on this closer to the New Year).
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great and allowing yourself to take a breake and breathe
The question of the day is: Do you ever use the Major Arcana without the Minor Arcana or vise verse? Do you read with Major Arcana only decks?
No, I don't use just the major arcana or just the minor arcana because it doesn't roll with me. I need both arcanas to get the full picure and I don't feel that I don't see all the answers only in of the arcanas.
I don't own a of the has only one arcana, but I do own "a dog's tarot" and it has 30 cards..20 of the majors and ten of the minor. I was so disappointed when I got it because I thought it was a full blown 78 cards tarot deck. I was thinking of making my own dog tarot :)
The only time I use the Major Arcana is when I calculate the card of the year (I will a blogpost on this closer to the New Year).
Blessed be and merry see,
so we light four candles tonight
Hello little charmed ones and merry meet :)
How are all? I hop you are doing well on this last month of 2016
I want to share the fourth and last verse of Inger Hagerup's poem about advent
So we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness.
It stands and shines for themselves and us who are present.
so we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy.
We light four candles in the evening and let them burn down.
of longing, joy, hope and peace, but most of all
for peace on this little earth, where people live.
Blessed be amd merry see
How are all? I hop you are doing well on this last month of 2016
I want to share the fourth and last verse of Inger Hagerup's poem about advent
So we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness.
It stands and shines for themselves and us who are present.
so we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy.
We light four candles in the evening and let them burn down.
of longing, joy, hope and peace, but most of all
for peace on this little earth, where people live.
Blessed be amd merry see
lørdag 17. desember 2016
17/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - How much emphasis do you put on the text-book meanings for cards, and how much stress do you place on the “feeling” you get from cards through their artwork/symbolism/etc. (aka reading intuitively)? Do you do both, or one or the other?
Hello rain drops and merry meet,
How are you all doing today and I hope you are doing all right,
The question of the day is How much emphasis do you put on the text-book meanings for cards, and how much stress do you place on the “feeling” you get from cards through their artwork/symbolism/etc. (aka reading intuitively)? Do you do both, or one or the other?
I must say that I do both...When I get a tarot deck I read through the little white book that come along the deck and I write down the cards meaning in my notebook.. Just key words. I have noticed the meaning of the cards can be different from deck to deck, so if I could give you an advice... Don't discard the white book right away.. read through it and then follow your intuition.
Afterwards I read through the book. I sit down with each cards and study them.. what kind of symbols are there in the card? what kind of story do the card tells me, what kind of a vibe do I get and so on + I look at the art work, colours.
Then I use my intuition and what the cards means to me. I meditate with the cards, draw a daily card, I work with them daily and shuffle them constantly.
I do this til I feel that I have a relationship with the tarot deck.
Blessed be and merry see
How are you all doing today and I hope you are doing all right,
The question of the day is How much emphasis do you put on the text-book meanings for cards, and how much stress do you place on the “feeling” you get from cards through their artwork/symbolism/etc. (aka reading intuitively)? Do you do both, or one or the other?
I must say that I do both...When I get a tarot deck I read through the little white book that come along the deck and I write down the cards meaning in my notebook.. Just key words. I have noticed the meaning of the cards can be different from deck to deck, so if I could give you an advice... Don't discard the white book right away.. read through it and then follow your intuition.
Afterwards I read through the book. I sit down with each cards and study them.. what kind of symbols are there in the card? what kind of story do the card tells me, what kind of a vibe do I get and so on + I look at the art work, colours.
Then I use my intuition and what the cards means to me. I meditate with the cards, draw a daily card, I work with them daily and shuffle them constantly.
I do this til I feel that I have a relationship with the tarot deck.
Blessed be and merry see
torsdag 15. desember 2016
What can you use tarot for?
Hello honey pops and merry meet :)
I have gotten this question a few times now and that is: What do you use tarot cards for?
There are a lot ways you can use tarot for, I just wanted to make a blog post on it :)
-If you are struggle with an issue you can lie down some cards and it can show you what a logical/good step to do next.
You can use it in rituals
- If you have a curtain routine/ritual you do in the morning. For instance you get up, shower/bath, quiet time with a cup of tea or coffee before the bunch is up. You can draw a few cards, burn som incense...enjoy this quiet time and alone time.
You can use it for underdstand the past, now and the future
-Is there some things that is repeating in your life? I believe that everything happends for a reason even those event of life that is unfair..even you want to scream to the world:" suck on a rotten egg, world"
Lie down three cards, you will get your answer on why from the past..and the future will show you what to do to stop this and what you need to do to change it.
You can use it as a problem solving.
-You may have a problem that is on your mind, you can draw some cards and let them guide you.
You can use it to clarify your goals
- You may some idea on what your goals are, but can't say exactly what the goals are. Tarot cards can help you to break it down and put it in to perspective. Maybe you can come up with some additional goals.
I can help you to understand your dreams
-If you have a dream over and over, but have no idea why or you want to find out what it means.
Write down your dreams in a dream book, you can use a dream spread and investigate on why this is happening.
You can incorporate this in your journaling/art
-You may let loose and feel creative. splash down some paint and glitter, draw, collages, cut, glue and paste.. your book and yor rules. go to town with the ideas.
You can use it on a daily basis
- draw a card or three for the day and it can help you to pay attention toward the day or a full on spread
If you are a writer, you can use it to develope you charachers, plots and the story in general.
- If you are a writer or you have plans to be a publishing writer you can draw cards to your story line, build the charachters around some cards.
You can use it personal affirmations
- daw a daily oracle cards for youself every day when you get up in the morning, you can meditate on them or sleep with the card(s)
You can use it to access/develope your psychic powes and abilities
- I believe that everyone is a psychic, some people are more in tune with their powers than others. Everyone has a gut feeling and if you are in situation you are not comfortable and your gut screams: "hell no". Trust that feeling!
Blessed be and merry see,
I have gotten this question a few times now and that is: What do you use tarot cards for?
There are a lot ways you can use tarot for, I just wanted to make a blog post on it :)
-If you are struggle with an issue you can lie down some cards and it can show you what a logical/good step to do next.
You can use it in rituals
- If you have a curtain routine/ritual you do in the morning. For instance you get up, shower/bath, quiet time with a cup of tea or coffee before the bunch is up. You can draw a few cards, burn som incense...enjoy this quiet time and alone time.
You can use it for underdstand the past, now and the future
-Is there some things that is repeating in your life? I believe that everything happends for a reason even those event of life that is unfair..even you want to scream to the world:" suck on a rotten egg, world"
Lie down three cards, you will get your answer on why from the past..and the future will show you what to do to stop this and what you need to do to change it.
You can use it as a problem solving.
-You may have a problem that is on your mind, you can draw some cards and let them guide you.
You can use it to clarify your goals
- You may some idea on what your goals are, but can't say exactly what the goals are. Tarot cards can help you to break it down and put it in to perspective. Maybe you can come up with some additional goals.
I can help you to understand your dreams
-If you have a dream over and over, but have no idea why or you want to find out what it means.
Write down your dreams in a dream book, you can use a dream spread and investigate on why this is happening.
You can incorporate this in your journaling/art
-You may let loose and feel creative. splash down some paint and glitter, draw, collages, cut, glue and paste.. your book and yor rules. go to town with the ideas.
You can use it on a daily basis
- draw a card or three for the day and it can help you to pay attention toward the day or a full on spread

- If you are a writer or you have plans to be a publishing writer you can draw cards to your story line, build the charachters around some cards.
You can use it personal affirmations
- daw a daily oracle cards for youself every day when you get up in the morning, you can meditate on them or sleep with the card(s)
You can use it to access/develope your psychic powes and abilities
- I believe that everyone is a psychic, some people are more in tune with their powers than others. Everyone has a gut feeling and if you are in situation you are not comfortable and your gut screams: "hell no". Trust that feeling!
Blessed be and merry see,
15 and 16/31 - The 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Why do you usually use the Tarot (self-reflection, guidance, advice, recreation, communing with spirits/dead, communication with deity, other)?
Hello Tarot Tribe and merry meet,
How are you doing in these hectic Christmas times? I hope you are doing well and allow youself a little break.. make yoursaelf a cup of cocoa or tea/coffee and breathe.. it doesn't have to be perfect because in times like these the unperfect is still perfect.
So, over to the question and it is: How and why do you usually use the Tarot (self-reflection, guidance, advice, recreation, communing with spirits/dead, communication with deity, other)?

The reason why I use the tarot is to get answers on a special issue at the moment.
I use tarot to self-reflect, to get guidence and advice on what next logical step would be.
I do not communicate with spirits in that sense that I don't know how to do that.. I don't communicate with the dead because since they have past over I will leave them alone and let them rest. They have done their part so they deserve to be left alone, but if they want to have contact with me they know where to find me :)
Well, I do feel that I have someone is watching over me, but I don't know who that is and I haven't tried to contact her/him /they. I know they would show them self when the time is right.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing in these hectic Christmas times? I hope you are doing well and allow youself a little break.. make yoursaelf a cup of cocoa or tea/coffee and breathe.. it doesn't have to be perfect because in times like these the unperfect is still perfect.
So, over to the question and it is: How and why do you usually use the Tarot (self-reflection, guidance, advice, recreation, communing with spirits/dead, communication with deity, other)?

The reason why I use the tarot is to get answers on a special issue at the moment.
I use tarot to self-reflect, to get guidence and advice on what next logical step would be.
I do not communicate with spirits in that sense that I don't know how to do that.. I don't communicate with the dead because since they have past over I will leave them alone and let them rest. They have done their part so they deserve to be left alone, but if they want to have contact with me they know where to find me :)
Well, I do feel that I have someone is watching over me, but I don't know who that is and I haven't tried to contact her/him /they. I know they would show them self when the time is right.
Blessed be and merry see,
onsdag 14. desember 2016
14/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - What card confused the heck out of you when it shows up? Why do you think this is?
hello pop tarts and merry meet
Today's question is What card confused the heck out of you when it shows up? Why do you think this is?
My biggest confusing cards in the tarot and it is the court cards..
If the king comes up can it mean that it is about a man figure in your life or that you/someone in your life that have the king attributes or does it mean you need to have focus/Management
I have always been confused over the court cards and when it actually mean a person or when it doen mean other stuff.
The pages can mean messages, the knigts can mean travel/movement, the queens can mean creation and the kings mean focus/management
Like in every other spread you must look at the other cards to understand the meaning, but I still think it is confusing.
Blessed be and merry see,
Today's question is What card confused the heck out of you when it shows up? Why do you think this is?
My biggest confusing cards in the tarot and it is the court cards..
If the king comes up can it mean that it is about a man figure in your life or that you/someone in your life that have the king attributes or does it mean you need to have focus/Management
I have always been confused over the court cards and when it actually mean a person or when it doen mean other stuff.
The pages can mean messages, the knigts can mean travel/movement, the queens can mean creation and the kings mean focus/management
Like in every other spread you must look at the other cards to understand the meaning, but I still think it is confusing.
Blessed be and merry see,
tirsdag 13. desember 2016
Bursting some tarot myths..
Hello lovlies and merry meet :)
I hope you all have a great day in this holiday season and may you have a peaceful time with your family and friends.
As a tarot reader you hear a lot of myths about tarot from a lot people. I want to burst some of these myths - Some of these have I heard myself and others I came across on the internet.

-well, no.. you can't see the future. There is some people who are more intuitive than others and use their gift.
2. Tarot can reveal someones feelings
- Only if this was true... you can not see someone feelings in the cards.
- Only if this was true... you can not see someone feelings in the cards.
3. The cards is powerful?
- No, the cards do not have powers at all. Tarot is only 78 cards of paper which happend to have pretty art on them. The beholder of the power is YOU. You have the power to do the changes in your life, the cards can't do that for you.
On the other side you can have powerful tarot reading through the messages - because you get messages that you need to hear.
4. You can only use a tarot deck that has been given to you?
-No, no, no this is an old folklore that says you can't buy you own decks. In these days, you can buy you own decks, you can borrow decks, you can gift a deck if you like :)
I can understand why myths like this comes from because way back in the day Tarot was very expensive and it for those with money and power who could afford tarot decks. I don't remember who said it, but when Visconti family had their Tarot deck made due to the marriage between Maria Visconti and Franscisco Szorfa, the tarot was given as a party gift. Price of a Tarot in those days was equal to a Ipad is today
5. Tarot is witch craft/it is magickal/devil's work?
I can understand why myths like this comes from because way back in the day Tarot was very expensive and it for those with money and power who could afford tarot decks. I don't remember who said it, but when Visconti family had their Tarot deck made due to the marriage between Maria Visconti and Franscisco Szorfa, the tarot was given as a party gift. Price of a Tarot in those days was equal to a Ipad is today
5. Tarot is witch craft/it is magickal/devil's work?
-And again no.. there is people who say this to scare people and unfortunaly some of you are easily scared. Some witches uses tarot cards (not every one who reads tarot are witches!), Tarot decks is not magickal before the owner says it is (see question #3), and the devil is not real (in my opinion).
There are people who want you to believe that the church banned the Tarot because it is "evil". The church was against alot of card plays and dices an all that good stuff because it was seen as gambling. Anything like this you can win money off was seen as a bad thing.
6. You have be a psychic to be tarot reader?
There are people who want you to believe that the church banned the Tarot because it is "evil". The church was against alot of card plays and dices an all that good stuff because it was seen as gambling. Anything like this you can win money off was seen as a bad thing.
6. You have be a psychic to be tarot reader?
- No, everyone can learn how to read cards. It is all about remember the cards meaning. You don't have to be a spiritual person either. There are people wo are psychic readers and who are very intuitive. I am not a psychic reader.
7. You are doomed on what the cards says?
7. You are doomed on what the cards says?
- No, We human have something called free will and nothing is set in stones. And you are arein charge og your own destiny. On every actions/choices we make throughout the day always have a consequence.. good or bad. If you come across a reader which gives you a reader and he/she tells you the reading is set in stone... Lose their respect and walk away.
8. You have to wrap the cards in silk?
- It is YOUR deck(s) so you want with them, if you want wrap them up with silk, go ahead.. you can even have them in bags out of cloth if you like, nylon, wooden box or the box they came in... or you can store them like they is on the shelf.
8. You have to wrap the cards in silk?
- It is YOUR deck(s) so you want with them, if you want wrap them up with silk, go ahead.. you can even have them in bags out of cloth if you like, nylon, wooden box or the box they came in... or you can store them like they is on the shelf.
9. You shall not give yourself a reading?
-Why not? When your are a beginner, you have to start somewhere.. it is natrual to start with youself.. daily draw and such. I know it can be difficult and it is easy to lay a new spread if you are not agreeing with the cards. It is easy to reshuffle till you find those cards which tells you what you want to hear.
10. There are only one way to read the card?
10. There are only one way to read the card?
-If this was true it would be so simple to learn the cards. Another thing would be that it would be extremly boring if there was only one way to read the cards. It is like if you have been to one reader then you have to all readers...
11. You are the only one who can touch the cards?
11. You are the only one who can touch the cards?
- No. this is false. However there are readers who prefer that the client don't touch the cards.. You may have readers who want to include the client in this reading... then you may have the clients who don't want to be included by touching the cards.
12. Death means that someone is going to die?
- Most often this is not true.. Death means change, transformation, one door closes and another door opens.. very very rarly it mean someone is going to die.That has happend to me once in all of the years of tarot reading.
12. Death means that someone is going to die?
- Most often this is not true.. Death means change, transformation, one door closes and another door opens.. very very rarly it mean someone is going to die.That has happend to me once in all of the years of tarot reading.
14. You have to do a ritual before you do a reading?
-no, You do what feel natrual to you, If you want to light some tea ligt, burn some inscense, use a tablecloth that Great grandmother used the she had the family over for sunder dinners.. You do what represent you.
15. Tarot is always right?
-I wish this was so true sometimes because it would mean that I would have been millionaire by now ;)
16. The age of tarot?
-Tarot has been rumored to be as old as the pyramids and connected to Egypt but there is no solid fact for that. This rumor seems to have begun along with the first mention of Tarot as a mystical tool by Antoine Court de Gebelin. De Gebelin was a French occultist who linked Tarot to ancient Egypt in his book published in 1781. Many other major influences in Tarot also followed de Gebelin. This included names like Eliphas Levi, Arthur Edward Waite and even Aleister Crowley. There simply is no factual basis to this thought. There is evidence of cards being used for divination as early as 1540 in a book called The Oracles of Francesco Marcolino da Forli. And Casanova noted in his infamous diary that his Russian mistress often did divination with a deck of playing cards.
What we do know is that the first deck can be traced to Italy in the 15th century. Between 1410 and 1430 in Milan, Ferrera or Bologna. This first deck was when an artist added trump cards, "carte de trionfi" or "triumph cards" featuring faces of the Visconti and Sforza families as a wedding gift. This answer is taken from tarot myths by Arwen Lynch and you can find the post here.
16. The age of tarot?
-Tarot has been rumored to be as old as the pyramids and connected to Egypt but there is no solid fact for that. This rumor seems to have begun along with the first mention of Tarot as a mystical tool by Antoine Court de Gebelin. De Gebelin was a French occultist who linked Tarot to ancient Egypt in his book published in 1781. Many other major influences in Tarot also followed de Gebelin. This included names like Eliphas Levi, Arthur Edward Waite and even Aleister Crowley. There simply is no factual basis to this thought. There is evidence of cards being used for divination as early as 1540 in a book called The Oracles of Francesco Marcolino da Forli. And Casanova noted in his infamous diary that his Russian mistress often did divination with a deck of playing cards.
What we do know is that the first deck can be traced to Italy in the 15th century. Between 1410 and 1430 in Milan, Ferrera or Bologna. This first deck was when an artist added trump cards, "carte de trionfi" or "triumph cards" featuring faces of the Visconti and Sforza families as a wedding gift. This answer is taken from tarot myths by Arwen Lynch and you can find the post here.
17. Pregnant women shall NOT have a reading

18. Every reversed cards are negative?
- No, negative cards isn't always negative or positive cards isn't always positive - up right or reversed
19. You can not trust anyone who read tarot
-why not?
20. The cards are dangerous, you can "lose you marbles"
- I have heard this few years ago, but no. I was talking to someone and he told me that his sister (or sister-in-law) was to a tarot reader and she wasn't the same afterwards and she needed serious help by the proffesionals... I am so tempted to let the bitch in me come out and say that she had lost her marbles long before she visited a tarot reader.
Blessed be and merry see,
20. The cards are dangerous, you can "lose you marbles"
- I have heard this few years ago, but no. I was talking to someone and he told me that his sister (or sister-in-law) was to a tarot reader and she wasn't the same afterwards and she needed serious help by the proffesionals... I am so tempted to let the bitch in me come out and say that she had lost her marbles long before she visited a tarot reader.
Blessed be and merry see,
mandag 12. desember 2016
Pagan challenge week 7 - How do you view sacred text/mythology
Hello little faeries and merry meet :)
How are you doing and I hopee you are doing great. I also hope you have the chance to calm down and breathe in this time of Christmas/Yule.
This week question is how do I view sacred text/mythology...
I had a hard time to answer this question and I was so close to not do this blog post, but I will do my best.
I see sacred text as information and I looking at it and maybe I can use this in my practice as a pagan..
At the moment I do read the bible, but as a non-Christian I read it with a open mind and I read it as a story.
I do have plans to read the Torah and maybe even the Koran... if I can find a Norwegian copy, if not at least an English copy.
When it comes to mythology I see it the same way as holy books, as information, I read it with a open mind and as a story.
When it comes to me and my book of shadows, BoS artbook or any book I use in my practice is not sacred before I say it is.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing and I hopee you are doing great. I also hope you have the chance to calm down and breathe in this time of Christmas/Yule.
This week question is how do I view sacred text/mythology...
I had a hard time to answer this question and I was so close to not do this blog post, but I will do my best.
I see sacred text as information and I looking at it and maybe I can use this in my practice as a pagan..
At the moment I do read the bible, but as a non-Christian I read it with a open mind and I read it as a story.
I do have plans to read the Torah and maybe even the Koran... if I can find a Norwegian copy, if not at least an English copy.
When it comes to mythology I see it the same way as holy books, as information, I read it with a open mind and as a story.
When it comes to me and my book of shadows, BoS artbook or any book I use in my practice is not sacred before I say it is.
Blessed be and merry see,
12 and 13/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - What is your go to Tarot Spread right now? Extra points for sharing it. Do you create or modify tarot spread?
Hello snow drops and merry meet,
How are you doing in these Christmas time? I hope you all are doing well,
The today's question and tomorrow is so similar so I decided I would anwer them in one post :)

I don't know if there is a spread like this, but I got the idea from the tv-Show "Witches from East End" when I saw one of the character did this spread.I thought it looked interesting.
I don't know other tarot readers do this as well, but I have a tendency to collect tarot spreads. Oooohhh, that look interesting... and in my bok it goes:) If I see a tarot spread on YouTube, internet or pinterest
The second question is do I create or modify tarot spread?
Usually I modify tarot spreads, but I sometime create a tarot spread. So yes, I do both:)
Blessed be and merry see :)
søndag 11. desember 2016
11/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - What card did you pull the most in 2016, why do you think this is the case?
Hello snow bunnies and merry meet,
How are you doing? I hope you aredoing great in these hectic prep times :)
So, today's question is what card I pulled up the most in 2016.
I haven't had a spesific card pulled when I had read for others, but when I have giving myself readings it has been 8 of cups.
What the card say it is that you have to give up something that you strongly believed in.
This card have at least two sides and that is you must give up on something/someone before you can go and achieve bigger and better things, I don't see it as someone's fault, it just is. It can be that the friendship/relationship has come to an end and it can be one part has invested more feelings/energy than the other part. It is about: " hey, it was fun while it lasted, but this doesn't work anymore".
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing? I hope you aredoing great in these hectic prep times :)
So, today's question is what card I pulled up the most in 2016.
I haven't had a spesific card pulled when I had read for others, but when I have giving myself readings it has been 8 of cups.
What the card say it is that you have to give up something that you strongly believed in.
This card have at least two sides and that is you must give up on something/someone before you can go and achieve bigger and better things, I don't see it as someone's fault, it just is. It can be that the friendship/relationship has come to an end and it can be one part has invested more feelings/energy than the other part. It is about: " hey, it was fun while it lasted, but this doesn't work anymore".
Blessed be and merry see,
So we light three candles tonight
Hello little faeries
How are all? I hope you are doing well on this last month of 2016
I want to share the third verse of Inger Hagerup's poem about advent
So we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness.
It stands and shines for themselves and us who are present.
so we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy ..
blessed be and merry see
How are all? I hope you are doing well on this last month of 2016
I want to share the third verse of Inger Hagerup's poem about advent
So we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness.
It stands and shines for themselves and us who are present.
so we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy ..
blessed be and merry see
lørdag 10. desember 2016
10/31 - 31 Days of Tarot - What is the card that you don’t want to see pop up in a Tarot Reading? Why?
Hello sun kittens,
How are you all doing? I hope you are doing great.
Today's question is: What is the card that you don’t want to see pop up in a Tarot Reading? Why?
For this I used Sharman-Caselli tarot deck and I see this in two ways.. What I end up with depend of course the the other cards that are around.

In this cards you might se it to ways. In one way you are fighting your battle and whatever you do and however you protect yourself, you get a lot of shit in return and you are attacked from a lot of places.
In the other way you can see this as you are battling your "war" and you are not sure where you are attacked from so you shoots, but you are not looking where to aim. You shoot out a lot of stuff and hope for the best it sticks to someone or somewhere.

In one way may see this cards and you have a wall that you are trying to break through. It can mean someone who put that wall up for keeping you out. You are trying to do what you can do to overcome your obstacles without success.
In the other way you can put up a wall to keep everyone out and that can be because you don't to show anyone your dirty laundry or you don't know how to to tear down the wall, you don't want to because it feel safe and you don't know other way.

In this card it can be that you are battling in many aspect of your life and you may not know what issue to deal with first. You don't always see where next battlig coming from and it may feel that you stump on fire as they comes up.
On the other hand it can mean that you have to handle to many projects and you may have taken water over your head. You have a hard to time to say no and you want to please everybody, so till the end you burn out yourself.

It can be that you feel you are left out in the cold and your money don't strech till everything you need them to.
In the other hand others is pointing out what they think you may can afford to use money on or not. It can be a judgement call and push you further down.
Blessed be and merry see,
fredag 9. desember 2016
9/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Tell me about the time you gave your first Tarot reading? (That you can remember)
Hello snow faeries and merry meet,
How are you doing and I hope you are doing great
My first tarot reading I did for myself and this was 15-18 years ago and it was a complete crash and burn lesson.
Here I am as a beginner with the tarot and my tarot book looking at the tarot spread in the back of the book.. I had a hard time with the tarot deck, felt I couldn't read the cards... and I was forcing myself and forcing the cards to work together...
Being the Capricorn that I am and ambition is a Capricorn's middle name, I thought 6 months spread is a great start. I have seen the same spread other places called the gypsy spread.
It is 7x3 cards spread = 21 cards. Let me say to this, to do this as a starter spread was a failure from the gekko.
I wish I had kept a tarot journal from that time, but I didn't thought that would be so important to keep one.
I gave up after awhile and put the cards away *kicking my own butt*
Thankfully I took to my senses few years back and began my tarot journey all over again :) I never looked back ;)
Blessed be and merry see ,
How are you doing and I hope you are doing great

Here I am as a beginner with the tarot and my tarot book looking at the tarot spread in the back of the book.. I had a hard time with the tarot deck, felt I couldn't read the cards... and I was forcing myself and forcing the cards to work together...
Being the Capricorn that I am and ambition is a Capricorn's middle name, I thought 6 months spread is a great start. I have seen the same spread other places called the gypsy spread.
It is 7x3 cards spread = 21 cards. Let me say to this, to do this as a starter spread was a failure from the gekko.
I wish I had kept a tarot journal from that time, but I didn't thought that would be so important to keep one.
I gave up after awhile and put the cards away *kicking my own butt*
Thankfully I took to my senses few years back and began my tarot journey all over again :) I never looked back ;)
Blessed be and merry see ,
torsdag 8. desember 2016
8/31 -31 Days of Tarot Blog - What would you say is your favorite Tarot Card right now (cause these things change) and why? Is it the artwork, the meaning or both?
How are you guys? I hope you are doing great in these hectic Christmas time :)
Today's question is: What would you say is your favorite Tarot Card right now (cause these things change) and why? Is it the artwork, the meaning or both?
Right now I love the Hermit card,
I have picked three different Hermit cards

The Hermit from Book of Shadows: So below
In this card you see a woman who take some time off with a bath. Every once and a while we need to take a time off from the world. And there are times we must be told to take time off. We all need charge out batteries and prioritze ourself.. it is not selfish to do so becauseif we don't have alone time or datenight with yourself you may "crash and burn" and my experience of life: No one will thank you when you are down and hurt. We must get away from the "good girl" or "good boy" impression. It din't serve us in the long run.

This card you see a woman on her way together with her creatures. She is a solitary and you can see a clock in one of the creatures mouth and to me it means you need to take your time to heal and don't rush. If you rush it you may have a set back and the time to come back may take longer because you have to add the time from the previous set back.

I love this Hermit and I have named him Gandalf and he is on his way to be alone and seek knowledge, he is also a solitary by choice or unwillingly (?) He also have lamp with him so he can see where he is going, if he take a wrong step he may end up in the water.
Blessed be and merry see,
onsdag 7. desember 2016
7/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - What were the first three Tarot Spreads that you learnt.
Hello and merry meet,
How are you doing? I hope you are doing great,
Today's question my first three spread that I learned
Three Card Spread
If you are a beginner to tarot this is a very good spread to begin with because you don't feel overwhelmed and you will learn to know the cards and the whole deck.
The cards can be a three months spread - This month, next month, and third month
This spread can also change into a moon phase spread - Waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. You can make your own spin on it.
The Celtic Cross
Majority of the tarot beginners learn the Celtic Cross as the first big spread. It is not a easy spread to learn, so you need to take you time and not rush to learn it.
I sometimes have a problem to see the big picture in this spread and when that happend I just pack up, reshuffle and lay down a spread.. Sometimes I change the deck.
the Horseshoe spread
My third spread was the horseshoe and this is also a great beginner spread. You can add cards and you can change the meaning/questions to suit what you want to have a answer on/ what you need.
What is so beautiful with tarot is that you can change what don't works for you till what actually works for you.. You can change the set tarot spread or make up your own spread.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing? I hope you are doing great,
Today's question my first three spread that I learned
Three Card Spread
If you are a beginner to tarot this is a very good spread to begin with because you don't feel overwhelmed and you will learn to know the cards and the whole deck.
The cards can be a three months spread - This month, next month, and third month
This spread can also change into a moon phase spread - Waxing moon, full moon and waning moon. You can make your own spin on it.
The Celtic Cross
Majority of the tarot beginners learn the Celtic Cross as the first big spread. It is not a easy spread to learn, so you need to take you time and not rush to learn it.
I sometimes have a problem to see the big picture in this spread and when that happend I just pack up, reshuffle and lay down a spread.. Sometimes I change the deck.
the Horseshoe spread
My third spread was the horseshoe and this is also a great beginner spread. You can add cards and you can change the meaning/questions to suit what you want to have a answer on/ what you need.
What is so beautiful with tarot is that you can change what don't works for you till what actually works for you.. You can change the set tarot spread or make up your own spread.
Blessed be and merry see,
tirsdag 6. desember 2016
6/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - How long have you been reading the Tarot for? Do you feel you will ever stop?
Hello winter babies and merry meet :)
How are you doing and I hope you are doing well
Today's question is: How long have you been reading the Tarot for? Do you feel you will ever stop?
I have read tarot on and off for almost 20 years. Like I have said earlier I lost several cards in my first deck and I did't buy another for close to 10 years.
Reason for it was I thought I couldn't learn because I had a hard time learning and it was confusing and I didn't connect with the deck at all. I came across Anne Stoke's Gothic tarot by a accident online.. I ordered it and I was hooked again.. I ususally read for myself and close friends.
Now looking back.. I had been kicking myself for not buying a new tarot deck because I feel like I have lost a lot of time.
I will never stop reading tarot because I learn so much from myself and I want to expand it to read for other, but one step by step.. baby steps :)
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you doing and I hope you are doing well
Today's question is: How long have you been reading the Tarot for? Do you feel you will ever stop?
I have read tarot on and off for almost 20 years. Like I have said earlier I lost several cards in my first deck and I did't buy another for close to 10 years.
Reason for it was I thought I couldn't learn because I had a hard time learning and it was confusing and I didn't connect with the deck at all. I came across Anne Stoke's Gothic tarot by a accident online.. I ordered it and I was hooked again.. I ususally read for myself and close friends.
Now looking back.. I had been kicking myself for not buying a new tarot deck because I feel like I have lost a lot of time.
I will never stop reading tarot because I learn so much from myself and I want to expand it to read for other, but one step by step.. baby steps :)
Blessed be and merry see,
mandag 5. desember 2016
5/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - What Tarot Decks are you looking forward to getting to know better in 2017?
Hello snowflakes,
How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well and you can breath during this time of year.
Today's question is: What Tarot Decks are you looking forward to getting to know better in 2017?
I think I want to to split the answer in two for this question. My first answer is there a tarot deck that I already have I want to get to know better? Yes, I want to know my Paulina deck better and I want to know Book of shadows: As Above better. On the other hand I want to get to know all of my decks a little better.
My other half of the answer if there are decks I want to buy and to get to know better?
There are a few I want to get: Cosmic tarot, Mystical cats, Illuminati tarot, Thoth tarot, Tarot of the Vampires - Just to name a few.
Blessed be and merry see,
How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well and you can breath during this time of year.
Today's question is: What Tarot Decks are you looking forward to getting to know better in 2017?
I think I want to to split the answer in two for this question. My first answer is there a tarot deck that I already have I want to get to know better? Yes, I want to know my Paulina deck better and I want to know Book of shadows: As Above better. On the other hand I want to get to know all of my decks a little better.
My other half of the answer if there are decks I want to buy and to get to know better?
There are a few I want to get: Cosmic tarot, Mystical cats, Illuminati tarot, Thoth tarot, Tarot of the Vampires - Just to name a few.
Blessed be and merry see,
Pagan challenge week 6 - What are your cultural inluences

How are you and I hope you are doing well. Prepping for Yule/Christmas/Hanukkah/kwanzaa? I wish you have a peaceful time in your celebration.
This week I want to write about who or what are my cultural influences.
I am a Norwegian and I feel a strong connection with the North Mythology.
There is some faily members who is digging in our family history.. Apperently Harald Hårfagre is my 42nd or 47th Great grandfather. Harald Hårfagre (Harald Fairhair) lived about 850-931
He was the first king of Norway (872-931) and he was the one who gathered Norway to one Kingdom.
I don't know if this is true or not, but think about it - The vikings was not the most faithful people - It is been said that Harald fairhair had 20+ kids with a heap of baby mamas..... that being said... who isn't related to a viking?
I seen a lot of YouTube videos on this and a lot of people who listed parents, grand parents and great grand parents. I must say I am glad to see people who know their family history and I am a bit sad because I don't know my history... One reason is that my mom was from Hardanger and my dad was from Sunndal and they lived here in Kristiansund, So I am 1st generation in this town. I only met my mom side of the family only three weeks in the summers and I met my dad's side more often and have better contact them. So I have no idea who I look like, where I have my personality from, where does my interests comes from and why is that? is there any pagans in my family?
That is why I "forced"my son on to my parents... I wanted him to have memories of them when they wasn't around anymore.
When it comes to my family I know the basics like who is/was married to whom and their family. I do know my aunts and uncles, but in the same time I don't know them at all if you know what I mean. I just know them on the surface and it is a bit sad. My family history is a bit complex (on my part) and I won't explain further than this.
Blessed be
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Happy Easter/Ostara
Hello Sun children and merry meet How are you all doing and I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter or Happy Ostara in the northern hemisph...

Hello beautiful souls Welcom to my blog and this blogpost is in a Tarot Blog Hop and this is my first entry and that alone goes well with ...
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