Hello darlings and merry meet,
How are you doing? I hope you are doing all right and you are enjoying the weekend. Yet another month is almost over and the time flies by so fast..
Your main energy - The Lovers - You feel the love and you have a lot of love to give others, but in all you have to remember not forget to love yourself. If you don't love or care for yourself.. How can you love and care for somone else? In that note you may do some changes that seves you the best.
Your help card- 9 of cups (reversed) - you will get your wishes fullfilled, but it takes a bit longer than you wanted and it can be connected to your main card. When you have work out how you want your life and the neccessay changes you can start to reap your blessings and good fortune.
What can be a hinder - King of Wands (Reversed) - is that it might get to your head and be careful for that. You will go in for your life change with all you have of energy, but don't make it all about you :) Let others to shine with you :)

Love and merry see,
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