mandag 22. januar 2018

Day 22 - What is the hardest to "get" when you are learning the tarot- 31 days of tarot

Hello sweet peas and merry meet,

How are you doing and I hope you are doing great :) I have a great time

Today we are in day 22 in the 31 days of tarot in Ethony's challenge :) So today we are are talking about what is the hardest thing to get when you are learning tarot.

When I started to read tarot I struggled with the meaning of the cards and especially the court cards. If I was reading in one card spread it went somewhat fine. If I had 3+ cards spread... I couldn't read/ see the connections the cards between them.

Now I have been active reading the cards for few years - after I discovered tarot all over again - and I have begun to trust my intuitive side and let loose on my reading. I sometimes get stuck on the courtcards even today, on the other hand I glad they comes up because it means that have to work more towards the understanding of them.

Blessed be and merry see

Love, Susann

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