mandag 19. desember 2016

19/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Do you do readings using reversals? Why or why not?

Hello moon pups and merry meet,

How are you all doing in these days? I hope you are doing great :)

This question is: Do you do readings using reversals? Why or why not?

The very short answer to this question is that...Yes, I do read reversals.

Why? well, this is how taught myself to read tarot and I also believe that it is a reason for a card is coming upside down.. it is not always a bad thing.

This post can be connected to the blog post I did about major/minor arcana. I don't feel I get the whole story or all the answers if I read as one way. There's nothing wrong to read this way or the other way. You have to read it like is right for you.

Blessed be and merry see,


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