lørdag 3. desember 2016

3/31 - 31 Days of Tarot Blog - Are you a Tarot deck collector, hoarder or exclusive betty? How do you use these decks in your readings? Multiple decks in one reading or just one all the way? Does it aid your practice?

Hello little bloom faeries and merry meet😊

How are you guys? I hope you are doing well 😀

Today is the question:  Are you a Tarot deck collector, hoarder or exclusive betty? How do you use these decks in your readings? Multiple decks in one reading or just one all the way? Does it aid your practice? 

Am I tarot collector or a hoarder exclusive betty? well it depends who you are asking. I am collector, but I don't buy them in sake of buying them.. I buy tarot decks I know I will work and connect with.
My husband on the other hand will tell you that I am a hoarder of tarot decks...

Today I have 18 Tarot decks and 7 Oracle decks and counting 🙌I have a long tarot list I want to buy in 2017.

There are one teeny tiny store that sells tarot decks, but she sells just Doreen Virtue tarot/oracle decks... Nothing wrong with these decks, I have Doreen Virtue deck in my collection and I love them, but I want more decks to choose from. Therefor when I order decks online, it is not easy to know if I will connect with a deck or not.. I only had two decks so far that I don't connect with: Dark Grimoire tarot deck and Dog's tarot deck (this has only 30 cards so I concider this as a oracle deck)

When I use smaller spreads, like three cards spread, I use only one deck and if I use bigger spreads, 8+cards, I may use two or three decks and even oracle cards. The reason for using more decks is when I want to get a better picture of the situation and more clarity.
Yes, it aid me in my reading, You can get alot of answer from the tarot decks, you can reveal things you didn't know or didn't think of.

Blessed be and merry see,


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