lørdag 21. januar 2017

Day 21 of 31 Days of Tarot - Do you read your little white books, tarot and oracle guidebooks? How do you use them? What do you do when the information seems to contradict the reading?

Hello star dust and merry meet,

How are you all doing and I hope you are doing great,

Do I read the little white books that comes along with the tarot deck? No, But I do write the meaning in my tarot book and then I discard the little books.
I have five tarot books, one for the major arcana and one for each suits.

When the information seem to contradict the reading and I go with my gut feeling when I read for clients
I may look through some tarot books when I read for myself and I always ends up trusting my gut feeling:)

Blessed be and merry see,


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