tirsdag 23. januar 2018

Happy "Birthday" to me:)

Hello sweeties and merry meet,

How are you doing in these days..I have a great time.
Today I have blogging to two years.. can you believe it.. TWO YEARS :)

For this day I want to give a reading.. a general reading, so I say what I always say when I do a reading.. Take with you what apply to you and leave the rest.

Since January is almost over and February is almost here, I thought I would give you an Imbolc reading.

I found this spread on Pinterest and I believe it is from Kiki's Cauldron. 

If you don't make spreads on you own there are some great spreads on Pinterest if you search for it. It can also give you a few tips how to do them yourself.

What is frozen in your life? - 4 of Wands
This is a time for celebrations and it is happy tines, but it may you celebrate a bit too early. You are creating a better base for your situation and for your life.

What will keep you warm and comfortable - The Tower
There are great changes for you and it comes from within.
 You will learn the hard way and I won't sugar coat it for you, you will feel that life bitch slaped you. Yes, it hurts and it feels unfair, but when you let the secrets go then and you don't have hide anymore. Now you can remove all of the weight you have on your shoulders. 

What clutter needs to be cleared - Knight of Cups
If you want to foreward you need to clear out some feelings. What is important to you or who are important to you. Let go of that is holding you back and don't be afraid of saying no if this is not the right time. You know what you want, but you feel ready to take the first step? It seem terrifying to do it, but you will better off.
The first sign of growth you will see in this spring - 7 of Cups
 You want to see what you need and then you will need to stay focused and don't rush it. If you rush it, you may take an other turn than you first thought. this detour might take longer for yoy to come back. What is it that you can't stay focused

A project to begin immediatly - 4 of Swords
 You project for you is to take pauses and you must take time for yourself. You do what makes you happy, if it is Yoga, meditation, drawing or go for a walk in a rainy weather... it doesn't matter as long as you can relax and not be controlled by the time and clock.
If you neglect yourself you might end up to be burned out and then you might have to spend twice as long for your comeback.

A message of inspiration for you - Page of Wands

Your message is to not rush from A to B and then to C.. Take one step or a day at the time. It doesn't matter the pace you are moving, but that you are moving.You do your life at your speed:)

Blessed be and merry see

Love Susann

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