søndag 11. desember 2016

So we light three candles tonight

Hello little faeries

How are all? I hope you are doing well on this last month of 2016
I want to share the third verse of Inger Hagerup's poem about advent

So we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness.
It stands and shines for themselves and us who are present. 

so we light a candle tonight, we light it for happiness

So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy. 
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light two candles tonight, two candles of hope and joy.

So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy.
They stand and shine for themselves and us who are present.
So we light three candles in the evening of longing, hope and joy ..

blessed be and merry see


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